What do biotechnology experts or consultants do? Biotechnology is the use of some biological processes for industrial or other purposes, like the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. There are many types of biotechnologies, including medical (such as vaccines and antibiotics), and agricultural (such as pest-resistant crops and plant and animal breeding). One of the biggest applications of biotechnology is in the energy production sector to produce environmentally friendly fuels. Examples of biotechnology that allow this to occur are the use of corn to produce ethanol and soybeans to produce biodiesel. These fuels are good for the environment as they do not produce greenhouse gases. Biotechnologies are normally divided into four major groups. The first group is thermal conversion technologies. These technologies use heat to convert biomass materials into energy and include pyrolysis and torrefaction technologies. The second group is chemical conversion technologies which, as the name implies, use chemicals to convert biomass into liquid fuels. A third group is biochemical conversions, which involve the use of enzymes, bacteria, or some other organism to break down biomass into fuel. Examples of these are anaerobic digestion and fermentation technologies. The fourth group is thermochemical conversion technologies. These use heat and chemical processes to convert biomass into energy. This group normally encompasses gasification technologies.
Biotechnology evaluation experts are those with a background, education, and experience in things like anaerobic digestion, gasification, pyrolysis, or torrefaction. These experts understand and follow the technological development in their area of expertise, and can assist with overcoming technological and economical challenges in project development. These experts also typically have experience with the selected biomass feedstock.
Biotechnology experts are often called upon to assist in selecting the right equipment for a particular project, or to help in the oversight of the building of a plant. They are used by investors conducting due diligence on projects or technology. In matters involving biotechnology litigation, these biotechnology consultants may serve as expert witnesses, assisting the attorneys with a better understanding of the exact issues involved, and they may testify in court about the technology-related matters.
With over 150 consultants worldwide, Lee Enterprises Consulting has the diverse experts and geographical reach to assist in virtually any bioeconomy project, including biotechnology evaluation and review. Our highly qualified teams bring a unique integration of technical, scientific, regulatory, and hands-on experience to any project. Look at our experts and the services we provide. Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters. For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full-service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact. See a video about LEC here. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.