What does an Industrial Fermentation Expert or Consultant do? The word “fermentation” can apply to any process that uses a living cell in a medium that allows it to grow, and to perform whatever process may be commercially useful. Thus, the word “fermentation” covers a continuum of processes, from the large scale production commodity chemicals, such as ethanol, citric acid, lysine, and glutamate, through intermediate scale process for the production of antibiotics, to smaller-scale production of therapeutic peptides and proteins such as insulin, and ultimately to cell culture processes for the production of antibodies and other biological therapeutics. Large scale process for the production of commodities generally does not require GMP or even stringent sterility, while therapeutics made in mammalian cell culture requires strict sterility under GMP.
When looking for an industrial fermentation expert, it is important to understand exactly what you need. A fermentation expert will have knowledge of the necessary microbiology, including any molecular biology that may have been used to create the micro-organism or cell used in the fermentation, the fermentation conditions themselves, and the step required to harvest the fermentation when it is complete. If the process is to be scaled up, the expert will need to understand the parameters used when developing large-scale fermentations, as well as cell banking, seed train development, and scaling of the harvest step or steps. For most scale-up work, an expert with biological knowledge will work with another expert having the equipment and engineering knowledge required for the process. If the fermentation process is for a pharmaceutical compound, the expert should have knowledge of the GMP requirements for biological processes.
Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms certainly have experts in biotechnologies, as well as the more common areas like bio and renewable fuels, biomass and biomass power, feedstocks, biomaterials, and biochemicals. These larger groups will also have expertise in other technologies like agitation systems, anaerobic digestion, beverage fermentation, bio-oil extraction, bioreactors, carbon capture, carbon storage, carbonization, catalysis, cellulosic ethanol, cleantech, combined heat and power, direct combustion, enzyme technologies, fermentation, Fischer-Tropsch, gasification, genetic engineering, hydrothermal, nanotechnology, organosynthesis, power generation, pyrolysis, renewable technology due diligence, synthetic biology, thermochemical conversion, torrefaction, water treatment, and waste management.
Lee Enterprises Consulting (LEC) offers a wide range of services in biofuels, biochemicals, biotechnologies, biomaterials, synthetic biology commercialization, feedstocks, and hemp/cannabis. The company has business and financial services like due diligence, feedstock availability, grants and loans, and bio market research. The company also offers technical and engineering-related services like techno-economic analysis, environmental evaluations, feasibility studies, risk analysis, and expert witness engagements. The company also has strategic partnerships in place to assist clients with insurance, legal, accounting, plant fabrication, feedstock procurement. With over 150 experts worldwide, Lee Enterprises Consulting also has experts in anaerobic digestion, fermentation, biomass, conversion technologies for things like tires and railroad ties, organic synthesis, fuel additives, ethanol gas, biodiesel fuel including algae biofuels, solid-state and industrial fermentation, green energy grants, ag-biotech, agricultural waste, alcohol fuels, alternative proteins and animal-free products, sustainable foods, beverage fermentation, biocatalysis, biodiesel conversion, biogas production, biomass power, carbon intensity, co2 utilization, combined heat & power, Fischer-Tropsch technology, food waste, hydrothermal carbonization, industrial enzymes, landfill management, microbial fermentation, organic synthesis, plastic pyrolysis, plastic recycling, plastic waste, pyrolysis oil, reactor design, renewable identification number, the Renewable Fuel Standard (rfs2), solid recovered fuels, torrefaction and torrefied biomass, waste to energy, and waste-to-hydrogen. This is a multidisciplinary group of green energy consultants that is a virtual “one-stop shop” for any client need and handles projects of all types and sizes.
Look at our 150+ experts and the services we provide. Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters. For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full-service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact. See the video about LEC here. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.