What are the differences between CARB’s newly proposed Carbon Intensity Target Alternatives? During its series of stakeholder workshops held from July 2022 through February 2023, CARB has sought feedback on a number of new changes…
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Renewable Biomass – The Old and New Definitions
What are the differences between the old definition of “renewable biomass” and the EPA’s newly proposed definition? The proposed changes to the definition of “renewable biomass” are significant under the EPA’s new “Set” Rule published…
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Achieving Maximum Value Under the New ITC (Investment Tax Credit) Provisions
How can renewable energy plants achieve maximum value under the new ITC (Investment Tax Credit) provisions? For starters, one can take advantage of the IRA’s (Inflation Reduction Act of 2022) generous ITC (Investment Tax Credit)…
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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Funds
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, a federally funded program designed to encourage research to meet national needs, aims to spark technological innovation, encourage creative ideas and participation by women and socially or economically…
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Hazards and Operability (HAZOP)
What do HAZOP experts in the bioeconomy do? HAZOP (Hazards and Operability Study), a widely used process hazards analysis methodology, use professionally qualified team brainstorming to identify and resolve process safety hazards by considering unusual…
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What is TEA?
What is TEA in the renewable industries? Very simply, it is the acronym for techno-economic analysis. Bringing new technology to the market is a commitment. It’s expensive and normally takes quite some time. Uncertainty is…
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Hazard Mitigation
Like in most industries, safety hazard mitigation in the bioeconomy is a key component of every process hazard analysis of every project. This is most frequently done using HAZOP (Hazards and Operability) studies. HAZOP is…
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Appraisals for the Bioeconomy
There are relatively few professionals with significant expertise in appraisals and valuations in bioeconomy businesses and assets. This is likely because the majority of bioeconomy valuations call for opinions on the value of operational or…
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Renewable Identification Numbers (RINS)
What are Renewable Identification Numbers (RINS), and what does a RIN expert do? A Renewable Identification Number (or RIN) is a serial number assigned to the volume of a batch of biofuel for the purpose…
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Risk Management Compliance in Renewables
Renewable Risk Management and Process Safety are integral parts of the renewable energy industry. Process Safety Management (PSMS) refers to a set of interrelated approaches to managing hazards associated with the process industries and is…
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