What are Renewable Identification Numbers (RINS), and what does a RIN expert do? A Renewable Identification Number (or RIN) is a serial number assigned to the volume of a batch of biofuel for the purpose of tracking its production, transfers, trading, and ultimate use or retirement. This is required by the U.S. EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) which was implemented as a result of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. An expert in the Renewable Fuels Standards is someone with a background in enforcement or compliance with the regulations. The RFS expert can do such things as assist in the determination of the RIN Equivalence Value, and if you don’t know what that means then you may need an expert. The expert can show you how to maximize that value. The expert can outline a strategy for an obligated party to bank excess RINs or go short on RINs based on RIN price expectations. An expert can also show clients how to separate RIN from renewable fuel.
An effective bioeconomy consulting group will have experts in Renewable Identification Numbers, LCFS, RFS, and carbon credits and will have in-depth expertise in technologies like agitation systems, anaerobic digestion, bio-oil extraction, bioreactors, carbon capture, carbon storage, carbonization, catalysis, cellulosic ethanol, cleantech, direct combustion, enzyme technologies, fermentation, Fischer-Tropsch, gasification, genetic engineering, hydrothermal, nanotechnology, organosynthesis, power generation, pyrolysis, renewable technology due diligence, synthetic biology, thermochemical conversion, torrefaction, water treatment, and waste management.
Among its 150+ experts, Lee Enterprises Consulting has a wide range of services in bioenergy, biomaterials and chemicals, biotechnologies, and feedstocks. We certainly have specialists in RINS. Our specialty services also include other things like environmental & regulatory compliance, executive recruiting, expert witness engagements, intellectual property (IP) assistance, Life Cycle Analysis, Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), market studies, carbon credits, wildlife habitat matters, benchmarking, attestations, DOE Merit Review, BQ9000 Preparation, food safety & defense, Insurance selection & procurement, and process safety & management.
Take a look at our experts and the services we provide. You will note that most of our experts are also available for ancillary engagements and advice, for specialty engagements like serving as expert witnesses in litigation matters. A good overview of our group is found in this video. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.