Forestry feedstocks utilized in the renewable industry include woody biomass such as: logging residue (e.g. slash, saw dust), forest management waste (e.g. wildfire mitigation, diseased tree removal), and dedicated energy forestry crops (e.g. poplar trees…
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Industrial Fermentation: Selecting the Host Strain
When developing an industrial fermentation process, the choice of the production organism dictates much of the large-scale fermentation characteristics in addition to the nature of research and development and process development. Well characterized strains with…
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Carbon Dioxide Remediation or Removal in Biogas
Biogas is a renewable energy source that can be used to generate electricity and heat. It is produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic matter, such as agricultural waste, manure, and sewage sludge. The process…
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Site Planning to Mitigate Environmental Risks
In well-developed bioeconomy projects, initial site planning, placement of facilities, and mitigation of potential environmental risks, are the factors that help improves a project’s chance of overall economic success. It is critical for project developers…
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Biogas is a gas mixture developed from naturally occurring processes in nature. Basically, bacteria that exist in our world digest organic material, and the by-product of their digestion is biogas. Biogas is a mixture mainly…
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Biomass Wildlife Impact
It is well known that sustainable feedstock development is the cornerstone of the bioeconomy, but does sustainable biomass production encompasses things like wildlife impact, and more than just reliable annual yields of high-quality feedstock? Biomass…
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Biogas Conversion to RNG
Biogas conversion to Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as biomethane or green gas, is a process that involves upgrading biogas to a higher methane content, similar to natural gas. RNG is a renewable and…
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Enzymatic Production of Biodiesel
Enzymatic Production of Biodiesel? The vast majority of biodiesel today is manufactured using chemical catalysts and methanol. A few problems are associated with this type of processing. These include 1) the need to remove free…
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Biofuels Market Studies
Biofuels are substitutes for conventional fossil fuels like petroleum, propane, coal, and natural gas, and market studies for the alternatives are valuable to anyone dealing with them in any capacity. These studies outline the sources…
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Ethanol Proteins – Advanced Process Monitoring
Ethanol plants achieve the best quality ethanol proteins through advanced process monitoring and control. That means starting with consistent control of corn grinding, cook and liquefaction and fermentation so that each fermentation batch is very…
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