Decentralized Organics to Energy with Containerized Anaerobic Digestion by John Forcier, P.E., Lee Enterprises Consulting Most trash and recycled waste materials are being processed on a regional basis to maximize the economy of scale. There…
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Feed Ingredient Evaluation for Livestock Producers
Livestock feed evaluation? Livestock producers are constantly in search of ways to improve the economics of their operations. One effective way of realizing improved economics is to incorporate new ingredients into the feeding operation. In…
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Anaerobic Digesters: Methanogen
Methanogen refers to an anaerobic process in which the electron equivalents in organic matter (BODL) are used to reduce carbon to its most reduced oxidation state, -4 in CH4, or methane. Methane is a poorly…
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Synthetic Biology Experts
Synthetic biology is a field of science that combines engineering principles with biology to design and create new biological systems or modify existing ones. Synthetic biology involves the design and construction of new biological parts,…
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COVID Impact on Pollution
How has COVID impacted pollution? When history examines the 2020 impact of COVID 19, we believe it will show the pandemic as at least a bit of a mixed blessing. What we believe history will…
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Using Municipal Solid Waste Effectively
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the waste that human activities generate and originates from our community, our households, and our commercial and institutional buildings. Municipal solid wastes are generated in huge qualities, some 2 billion…
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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the waste that human activities generate and originates from our communities, households, and commercial/institutional buildings. Some two billion tons of MSW are generated globally each year, with about one-third coming…
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Methane (CH4) is a chemical compound with one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen. It is the simplest alkane and is the main constituent of natural gas. The abundance of methane makes it an…
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Forest Biomaterials
Forest biomaterials are a class of solid materials derived from trees and shrubs. Forest biomaterials are a source of renewable products that offer many benefits in terms of abundance, low density, strength, cost, easily shaped…
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Climate Change Experts
So, what exactly is climate change and what do climate change experts do? Climate change is defined as a change in global or regional climate patterns. It is most pronounced from the mid to late…
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