Bioprocess technology normally refers to the machinery and equipment in a biological products manufacturing facility where microbes such as yeast, bacteria, or fungi are used to produce a product by fermentation and/or enzymes to transform…
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Renewable Energy Feedstock Availability
Renewable energy systems based on biomass feedstocks need abundant supplies of feedstock, not only to maintain the physical facility with enough material to process but also enough excess feedstock to ensure that there is healthy…
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Bioprocess Technology Expert
A bioprocess technology expert or consultant most commonly has a degree in one or more areas including biochemistry, microbiology, and chemical or bio engineering with at least some experience in commercial production and across all…
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Renewable Diesel Consultant
What does a renewable diesel consultant do? Let’s start at the beginning. Renewable diesel is a premium-quality diesel produced from renewable and sustainable feedstocks such as waste animal fats, waste vegetable oils, and greases. It allows a…
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Biomass Feedstock Contracting
Biomass feedstock contacting, to determine feedstock availability and reliability, is an essential component of any system of renewable energy production. A key to success in this component of the operation is knowing the essentials of…
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Biofuels Overview
The terms “biofuels” and “renewable biofuels” refer to a fuel produced by some biological process like agriculture or anaerobic digestion, as opposed to fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) which are produced through a geological process…
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Biomass Advantages
Are there biomass advantages? Actually, there are many advantages in using biomass as a source of energy which is why biomass projects are now increasingly regarded as viable enterprises by entrepreneurs and investors. Biomass—living or…
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Gas Fermentation
Gas-liquid fermentation, or gas fermentation, as it is sometimes called, can be a very versatile unit operation. It can be used to make fuels (aka biofuels), beverages, drugs, industrial enzymes, foods, yeast, monomers, etc. Fermentation…
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Ethanol as a Fuel
Interest in ethanol as fuel continues to rise. Most of the gasoline now sold in the United States is blended with some amount of fuel ethanol. These blends are named by their ethanol content. For…
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Biodiesel Fuel
Biodiesel fuel (also called diesel biodiesel or simply biodiesel), is a renewable and clean-burning diesel. Classified as an advanced biofuel by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 57 percent to…
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