Waste-to-energy technology (WTE) refers to processes that convert trash – municipal solid wastes (MSW), agricultural wastes, medical or process wastes– into usable energy, such as electricity, heat, or steam. A variety of methods are used…
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Plastic Waste Experts
What do plastic waste experts or consultants do? Almost everything is either made from plastic or wrapped in plastic. In fact, plastic is one of the most widely used, durable, and cheapest materials in the…
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The Expert Witness in Biofuels and Biochemicals Litigation
When oil prices are relatively low, and the status of U.S. government incentives has continued uncertainty, a predictable downturn in biofuel and biochemical-related industries increases participant discomfort, leading to more lawsuits, and finding the right…
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Consultant or Employee?
Is it better to hire a consultant or employee for your bioeconomy-related business? The answer depends on many factors, the most important three being the skill set you need, the length of time you will…
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Turning Waste Into Energy
What is WTE? Waste to Energy. The expression “one man’s trash is another’s treasure’’ has real-world meaning when considering the burgeoning field of waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies that convert municipal solid waste (MSW) into heat and…
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Waste to Energy in Municipal Landfills
Is it possible to turn the waste to energy in municipal landfills or other products of value? Yes. Many landfills are now learning about successful alternatives to simple landfilling. They are recycling difficult organics and…
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Hydro-Processing Consultant
What does a hydro-processing consultant or hydroprocessing expert do? Hydroprocessing is the term used for a number of chemical reactions that take place as part of oil refining. These include hydrogenation, hydrocracking, and hydrotreating. Hydroprocessing…
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RIN Values
RIN values are often a key consideration in making renewable fuels. RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) are the 38-digit serial number assigned to renewable transportation fuels and heating oils that are made from an approved renewable…
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Plastic Recycling
Despite the many positive benefits to using plastics and the impact they have had on daily life, they currently seem to have more of a negative reputation, and plastic recycling has become a booming business. …
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Pyrolysis Technology & Tire Processing
Pyrolysis tire processing is a growing business worldwide thanks to advances in pyrolysis technology. It is a good thing because tires are highly durable, non-biodegradable, and take up lots of landfill space. In 1990, it…
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