Liquid biofuels are transportation fuels including such fuels as ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuels. The federal government promotes biofuels as transportation fuels to help reduce oil imports and CO2 emissions. In 2007,…
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First Generation Biofuels
First generation biofuels are those made from sugar, starch, or vegetable oil. Their feedstocks are those that may not be sustainable or might have an impact on food if used in large quantities. These original…
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Third Generation Biofuels
Third-generation biofuels are currently those related to algal biomass or linked to utilization of CO2 as feedstock. Unlike first-generation biofuels which were virtually all related to editable biomass, or second-generation biofuels produced from a wide…
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First Generation and Second Generation Biofuels
First generation biofuels are those made from sugar, starch, or vegetable oil. Their feedstocks are those that may not be sustainable or might have an impact on food if used in large quantities. These original…
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