Biofuels companies are making rapid advances. Companies from around the globe are making headlines almost daily. Those like Cosan, Verbio, REG, Green Plains, and Gevo maintain large market caps. The large oil companies have entered…
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MSW Biofuels
Are MSW biofuels feasible? Can we use MSW as a feedstock for biofuels production? The answer is a resounding “yes”. Municipal solid waste (MSW) includes lots of different items like paper, food, yard trimmings, plastics, metals,…
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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Experts
Municipal solid waste (MSW) consists of everyday items such as product packaging, yard trimmings, furniture, clothing, bottles and cans, food, newspapers, appliances, electronics, and batteries. Organic materials are the largest component of MSW with paper…
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Creating Value from Landfill Gas
Creating Value from Landfill Gas? Landfills contain a toxic stew of biomass materials from old tires to food wastes to animal manure. It is literally the bottom of the rubbish barrel. The US EPA estimates…
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Renewable Green Diesel
Renewable green diesel or biodiesel? Although it serves a vital function in reducing air pollution, carbon emissions, and our dependence on fossil fuels, and is certainly a very important source of income for farmers, there…
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Waste to Energy in Municipal Landfills
Is it possible to turn the waste to energy in municipal landfills or other products of value? Yes. Many landfills are now learning about successful alternatives to simple landfilling. They are recycling difficult organics and…
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FSMA Compliance
What does FSMA Compliance entail? Though the Food Safety Modernization Act (or “FSMA”) was signed into law on January 04, 2011, it has taken many years for all the rules to be written and implemented. …
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RIN Values
RIN values are often a key consideration in making renewable fuels. RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) are the 38-digit serial number assigned to renewable transportation fuels and heating oils that are made from an approved renewable…
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Low Carbon Technologies
When we speak of “low carbon technologies”, we are referring to those that will produce power with vastly lower amounts of emissions than from conventional fossil fuels. These low carbon technologies might include such as…
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Plastic Recycling
Despite the many positive benefits to using plastics and the impact they have had on daily life, they currently seem to have more of a negative reputation, and plastic recycling has become a booming business. …
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