Can we recycle carbon dioxide? New promising options exist to recycle carbon dioxide to ethanol. In fact, the capture and recycle of carbon dioxide into usable fuels is becoming big business. So, how does it…
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Bioprocess Technology
Bioprocess technology normally refers to the machinery and equipment in a biological products manufacturing facility where microbes such as yeast, bacteria, or fungi are used to produce a product by fermentation and/or enzymes to transform…
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Bioprocess Technology Expert
A bioprocess technology expert or consultant most commonly has a degree in one or more areas including biochemistry, microbiology, and chemical or bio engineering with at least some experience in commercial production and across all…
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Gas Fermentation
Gas-liquid fermentation, or gas fermentation, as it is sometimes called, can be a very versatile unit operation. It can be used to make fuels (aka biofuels), beverages, drugs, industrial enzymes, foods, yeast, monomers, etc. Fermentation…
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Turning Waste Into Energy
What is WTE? Waste to Energy. The expression “one man’s trash is another’s treasure’’ has real-world meaning when considering the burgeoning field of waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies that convert municipal solid waste (MSW) into heat and…
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Biocatalysis Expert
Biocatalysis is the use of enzymes as catalysts. Unfortunately, the word “biocatalysis” often seems to invoke the thought that the principles of chemistry and thermodynamics are somehow different because a biological entity is being used….
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Gas to Liquids Technology
What is Gas to Liquids (GTL) technology? GTL technology is a process that converts natural gas or other gaseous hydrocarbons into liquid hydrocarbons, such as synthetic fuels, lubricants, and other valuable products. This technology involves…
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Appraisals for Expert Witness Testimony & Estate Tax Purposes
Appraisal Expert Witnesses in the Bioeconomy? Experts in the appraisal of renewable fuels business and plants must have substantial and specialized economic and engineering capabilities, in addition to the general and specialized appraisal capabilities. These…
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Polyethylene Pyrolysis
Polyethylene pyrolysis has become a big business. Used in making grocery bags, shampoo bottles, children’s toys, and much more, polyethylene is the most popular plastic in the world, and despite its versatile material, has a…
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RIN Generation from New Technologies
RIN generation in new biotechnologies? Most developers of new biofuels technologies need an opinion about the generation of renewable identification numbers (RINs), the credits used for compliance under the EPA Renewable Fuels Standard. There are…
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