Alternative energy refers to a wide range of energy generation processes that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment. Are alternative and renewable energy the same thing? While they certainly contain a great…
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Renewable Energy Research
Renewable energy research is escalating. Research on various forms of renewable energy has escalated exponentially in recent years. From the federally funded projects being pursued by the nearly 1,700 full- and part-time employees, 700 visiting…
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Techno Economic Assessment for Startup Companies
Techno-Economic Assessment for Startup Companies in the Bioeconomy? Having experts who have been in the industrial biotech industry for over 30 years, we are encouraged to see many startup companies realizing and implementing TEAs (Techno-Economic…
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Anaerobic Digesters: Methanogen
Methanogen refers to an anaerobic process in which the electron equivalents in organic matter (BODL) are used to reduce carbon to its most reduced oxidation state, -4 in CH4, or methane. Methane is a poorly…
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Integrated Energy Planning
As the name implies, integrated energy planning involves the integration of different sectors of energy like petroleum, coal, natural gas, and renewables – normally to produce electricity, heat or transportation fuels. Integrated energy planning includes…
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Cellulosic Agricultural Residue
Cellulosic agricultural residue is a broad term used to discuss cellulose based residues left after the harvest of a primary agricultural crop. These include everything that we would traditionally think of, such as corn stover,…
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RIN Experts
What do RIN experts do? A Renewable Identification Number (or RIN) is a serial number assigned to the volume of a batch of biofuel for the purpose of tracking its production, transfers, trading, and ultimate…
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Environmental Compliance for Bio Facilities
Environmental compliance has become an increasingly significant part of bio facility operations and planning. Frequently, the operation of a facility is dependent on complying with regulatory programs and laws at both the state and federal…
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Ethanol Gas
Ethanol gas is the mixture of ethanol with gasoline. Ethanol is an alcohol fuel made from plant material, such as corn, sugar cane, grasses, or woody biomass. The worldwide use of ethanol as a fuel…
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Air Permitting in Bio Projects
Air Permitting in Bio Projects? Renewable energy resources are all around us. You may have passed by a windmill, a solar farm, an oilseed processing/biodiesel facility, or a biofuel facility – all of these are sources…
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