As the bioeconomy expands and renewables of all kinds continue to garner greater attention, many investors, project developers, lenders, and other project participants often want to know if there is any well-established firm that can…
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Bio Litigation Experts
Renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms normally have bio litigation experts in fields like biofuels, biomaterials, biotechnologies, feedstocks, synthetic biology, and a vast array of other specialties. Most of these have experience as expert witnesses…
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Renewable Natural Gas Expert
A renewable natural gas (RNG) expert specializes in various aspects of RNG production, utilization, and the broader renewable energy sector. Their roles and responsibilities vary depending on their specific expertise and the organization they work…
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Commercialization of Renewable Technologies
To tackle climate change, reduce solid waste, and improve air and water quality, we must phase out current practices and switch to more sustainable solutions, many of which do not exist today. These new solutions,…
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Catalyst Experts
What do catalyst experts or catalyst consultants do? First, let’s define “catalyst”. A catalyst is a material that is added to a chemical or biological process to improve the yield of a desired product. Since…
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Sustainable Consumer Products
The world continues to migrate toward sustainable consumer products. The World Bank showed that more than 50% of global GDP is driven by household consumer expenditure for both essential and discretionary goods. ( It follows…
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Plastic Waste Experts
What do plastic waste experts or consultants do? Almost everything is either made from plastic or wrapped in plastic. In fact, plastic is one of the most widely used, durable, and cheapest materials in the…
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The Expert Witness in Biofuels and Biochemicals Litigation
When oil prices are relatively low, and the status of U.S. government incentives has continued uncertainty, a predictable downturn in biofuel and biochemical-related industries increases participant discomfort, leading to more lawsuits, and finding the right…
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Lignin Expert
What does a lignin expert or lignin consultant do? Lignin is a constituent of the cell walls of almost all dry land plant cells. It is the world’s second most abundant natural polymer, surpassed only…
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Consultant or Employee?
Is it better to hire a consultant or employee for your bioeconomy-related business? The answer depends on many factors, the most important three being the skill set you need, the length of time you will…
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