Biofuels Digest recently invited two of our noted biofuels experts, Dr. Lorenz Bauer and Dr. Terry Mazanec, to lead webinars on the field of pyrolysis and to discuss its progress and future prospects. Dr. Bauer presented Part 1 and Dr. Mazanec presented part two.
For Lee Enterprises Consulting, Dr. Bauer handles bio oil upgrading, catalytic pyrolysis, catalyst hydroprocessing and hydocracking, hazardous waste recycling, contaminant removal, and commercialization. Dr. Mazanec handles catalytic pyrolysis, biomass pretreatment, biogas upgrading, risk analysis, corrosion, ceramic materials, and intellectual property issues
Bauer has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis and is the inventor on more than 18 patents (with 8 more pending) and 15 technical papers. Bauer has 26 years’ experience at UOP, the premier licensor of refining and petrochemical catalysts and processes.
Mazanec has a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from The Ohio State University under the direction of Prof Devon Meek and has been involved in the renewable fuels and chemicals area for much of his 35 years in research and development.
View Part 1. (Dr. Bauer)
View Part 2. (Dr. Mazanec)