“Biotechnology” is a broad and interdisciplinary field encompassing various scientific and technological applications that utilize biological systems, living organisms, or their derivatives to develop or create products, processes, or solutions for various industries. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, chemistry, genetics, microbiology, and engineering.
Examples of expert witness testimony in biotechnical matters would include advanced biofuels technology, anaerobic digestion technology, bio-oil extraction technology, biodiesel technology, biomass technology, carbon capture and storage technology, catalysis technology, cellulosic ethanol technology, ethanol technology, fermentation technology, Fischer-Tropsch technology, gasification technology, hydrothermal technology, power generation technology, pyrolysis and carbonization technology, thermochemical conversion technology, torrefaction technology, and water treatment technology.
The initial function of the biotechnology expert witness is usually to examine biotechnology and to give the attorney or client an idea of why the particular technology did or did not work correctly. Suppose the technology failed to deliver some specified result. In that case, the technical expert will often be asked to opine whether such failure resulted from the technology’s design, manufacturing, installation, operation, or some combination and whether such failure was the cause of some damages. The expert witness can also offer his or her opinion on precisely what the process is as defined in a specific patent(s) or license, whether the process is in the public domain, and whether the technique being practiced is a trade secret that has been misappropriated.
For over 25 years, Lee Enterprises Consulting has assisted companies and investors with issues relating to sustainability, bioenergy, biomaterials and chemicals, biotechnologies, and feedstocks. With over 150 consultants, we have the diverse expertise and geographical reach to assist in virtually any bioeconomy project worldwide. These seasoned professionals average over 30 years each in their industry experience. Our ability to assemble these professionals into multidisciplinary teams allows us to fully integrate a project’s technical, scientific, and regulatory aspects and combine them with years of hands-on experience. Please take a look at our experts and the services we provide. You will note that most of our experts are also available for ancillary engagements and advice for specialty engagements like serving as expert witnesses in litigation matters. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.
See also: The Expert Witness in Bioeconomy Litigation; Hiring an Expert Witness in Bioeconomy Litigation.