Producing biofuels from waste is now becoming more of a possibility. We note that in many of the earlier methods, it was simply not was not economically feasible to convert organic waste to fuel as the processes required high temperatures and lot of energy. As biofuels continue to be an important part of the replacement for petroleum-based gasoline, diesel fuels, and jet fuels, researchers in many parts of the world have continued to research ways to make them cost competitive with these conventional petroleum fuels. One newer strategy involves the use of catalysts to reduce the temperature and energy requirements in the biofuel production process.
Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms certainly have experts in biotechnologies, as well as the more common areas like bio and renewable fuels, biomass and biomass power, feedstocks, biomaterials, and biochemicals. These larger groups will also have expertise in other technologies like agitation systems, anaerobic digestion, beverage fermentation, bio-oil extraction, bioreactors, carbon capture, carbon storage, carbonization, catalysis, cellulosic ethanol, cleantech, combined heat and power, direct combustion, enzyme technologies, fermentation, Fischer-Tropsch, gasification, genetic engineering, hydrothermal, nanotechnology, organosynthesis, power generation, pyrolysis, renewable technology due diligence, synthetic biology, thermochemical conversion, torrefaction, water treatment, and waste management.
Lee Enterprises Consulting is the world’s premier bioeconomy consulting group, with over 150 highly qualified experts serving in all these areas. Look at our experts and the services we provide. Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters. For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact. See video about LEC here. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information. See also The Role of Chemical Recycling in Waste Management.