Interest in ethanol as fuel continues to rise. Most of the gasoline now sold in the United States is blended with some amount of fuel ethanol. These blends are named by their ethanol content. For…
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Biomass is renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals. Biomass contains stored chemical energy from the sun and the use of biomass fuels for transportation and for electricity generation is increasing as we…
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Ethanol Consultant
What do an ethanol consultant or an ethanol consultant do? Ethanol also called bioethanol, alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and drinking alcohol is simple alcohol produced by the fermentation of sugars with yeast, or by a petrochemical…
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Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) is also used in a number of gas/air applications to remove contaminants. As the demand for activated carbon continues to grow, so too, does the number of suppliers. It can be…
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Green Energy Financing
Green energy financing is crucial for innovative renewable energy projects, such as geothermal energy, biomass, waste-to-energy and others, are gaining interest and support as sustainable options that can provide the electricity the world needs, while…
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Thermochemical Expert
What does a thermochemical expert or a thermochemical consultant do? Thermochemical processes are most commonly employed for converting biomass and waste into fuel or processed further to produce value added chemicals. Major thermal conversion routes…
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Environmental Review – Renewable Energy Projects
What is an environmental review in a renewable energy project? Environmental review is the identification and evaluation of the potential impact a renewable energy project (REP) may have on natural and human resources. As is…
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Techno Economic Analysis
Techno-economic Assessments aka techno-economic analysis, or TEAs, are a tool used to aid decision-makers on the worth of investing time and money on the development, deployment, and/or acquisition of a specific technology. As the name…
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Techno Economic Analysis in Bioeconomic Projects
Techno-economic analysis (TEA) is an important tool in evaluating the feasibility and viability of bio-economic projects. The following are some of the key reasons why TEA is crucial in bio-economic projects: Assesses the Feasibility: TEA…
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Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
It appears that low carbon fuel standards continue to spread, as even the historically most polluting companies seem to be embracing the idea that the health benefits and sensitivity to global warming are good for…
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