What are the differences between the old definition of “renewable biomass” and the EPA’s newly proposed definition? The proposed changes to the definition of “renewable biomass” are significant under the EPA’s new “Set” Rule published…
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Hydrogen from Natural Gas without Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Mark Robertson, PE., Lee Enterprises Consulting Abstract: Thermo-catalytic decomposition of methane (TCDM) converts methane directly into hydrogen and a useful solid carbon byproduct, with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The resultant (turquoise) hydrogen can be used…
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Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Fuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to cleanly and efficiently produce electricity. If hydrogen is the fuel, the only products are electricity, water, and heat, i.e., they convert hydrogen to…
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Integrated Energy Planning
As the name implies, integrated energy planning involves the integration of different sectors of energy like petroleum, coal, natural gas, and renewables – normally to produce electricity, heat or transportation fuels. Integrated energy planning includes…
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Expert Witness – Gas to Liquids
What is a GTL Expert? A gas-to-liquid (“GTL”) expert is a professional with specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of converting gaseous hydrocarbons into liquid fuels or other liquid products. To become a qualified…
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Natural Gas Conversion
Natural gas is projected to be a significant part of America’s energy mix in the coming years. With breakthrough developments in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, the US is today the world’s largest natural gas…
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