As with any market, investing in the bioeconomy comes with risks and rewards. Bioeconomy investments often require a longer-term perspective than other investments, as much of the industry is still in its early stages and…
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CARB’s Newly Proposed Carbon Intensity Target Alternatives
What are the differences between CARB’s newly proposed Carbon Intensity Target Alternatives? During its series of stakeholder workshops held from July 2022 through February 2023, CARB has sought feedback on a number of new changes…
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Renewable Biomass – The Old and New Definitions
What are the differences between the old definition of “renewable biomass” and the EPA’s newly proposed definition? The proposed changes to the definition of “renewable biomass” are significant under the EPA’s new “Set” Rule published…
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Achieving Maximum Value Under the New ITC (Investment Tax Credit) Provisions
How can renewable energy plants achieve maximum value under the new ITC (Investment Tax Credit) provisions? For starters, one can take advantage of the IRA’s (Inflation Reduction Act of 2022) generous ITC (Investment Tax Credit)…
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Market Studies In Biofuels
The global biofuels market was valued at $109.96 billion in 2021. It is predicted to reach $201.21 billion by 2030. Like in most industries, market studies in biofuels are important to assist investors and developers…
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Anaerobic Digesters: Methane Formation
Anaerobic Digesters: Methane Formation. The inter-microbial distances influence the biodegradation rates and specific growth in the formation of Methane. The microorganisms that form methane are physiological. They can grow only with a few specific substrates,…
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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Funds
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, a federally funded program designed to encourage research to meet national needs, aims to spark technological innovation, encourage creative ideas and participation by women and socially or economically…
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More Rubber Extraction Refineries Coming?
Are more rubber extraction refineries in our future? In 2004, the History Channel broadcast a Modern Marvels Special on Natural Rubber. My favorite quote from that special is “Our four most important natural resources are…
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Organic Acids: Key Facilitators of the Bio-economy
Organic Acids: Key Facilitators of the Bio-economy? Recent declines in oil prices and the failure of start-up biofuel processes to meet production cost targets have increased the interest in producing value added chemicals from biomass…
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Early-stage, Breakthrough Technologies: Biofuels, 10 of the Best
The concept of early stage, breakthrough biofuels technologies is a bit of an oxymoron. At an early stage how does one determine if it something is a “breakthrough” biofuels technology? This article, first published in…
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