Are MSW biofuels feasible? Can we use MSW as a feedstock for biofuels production? The answer is a resounding “yes”. Municipal solid waste (MSW) includes lots of different items like paper, food, yard trimmings, plastics, metals,…
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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Experts
Municipal solid waste (MSW) consists of everyday items such as product packaging, yard trimmings, furniture, clothing, bottles and cans, food, newspapers, appliances, electronics, and batteries. Organic materials are the largest component of MSW with paper…
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FSMA Compliance
What does FSMA Compliance entail? Though the Food Safety Modernization Act (or “FSMA”) was signed into law on January 04, 2011, it has taken many years for all the rules to be written and implemented. …
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Biofuels Consultants
What do “biofuels consultants” do? The term “biofuels” refers to a fuel produced through a mainstream biological process like agriculture (as opposed to fuels that are produced through a geological process like coal or petroleum)….
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Polypropylene Experts
Polypropylene experts are those who work with this second most widely produced thermoplastic (after polyethylene) and is manufactured using chain growth polymerization via Zigler-Natta catalysis. The global market for polypropylene is expected to be $156B…
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