Air purification refers to vapor phase treatments including cleaning, purifying, neutralizing, and extraction/recovery processes. Strictly speaking, gas purification experts are responsible for designing, installing, and maintaining systems that purify and process gases. They work with…
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Oil & Gas Experts in Biofuels
The oil and gas experts in biofuels are those experts who have a history with, and understand, petroleum companies and how they manage their biofuels. Some oil and gas companies acquire biofuel assets. Others buy…
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Advanced Cleaning Consultant
What do advanced cleaning consultants or advanced cleaning experts do? Advanced cleaning is an emerging field that uses chemical, physical and biological processes to clean or treat indoor or outdoor surfaces for special purposes including, but…
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Techno-Economic Analysis: Biomass Pyrolysis
Many industries produce a waste stream in the creation of their primary product. From nut shells to sawdust, pyrolysis technologies provide environmentally-friendly and profitable solutions for waste management through the creation of value-added products and…
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Market Feasibility Studies in the Bioeconomy
What is a market feasibility study or report and why would you do one in bioeconomy related matters? A market feasibility study is an integral part of the due diligence process in any bio related…
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Occupational Health & Safety in Renewable Energy
Occupational health and safety is an important consideration in renewable energy. Renewable energy sources present unique safety hazards to workers. It is important for employers to ensure that their employees are properly trained and equipped…
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Polymer Pyrolysis
Recent revelations help us understand the need for polymer pyrolysis, noting that a very large fraction of the polymers (plastics) that we recycle end up in landfills anyway have outraged some and raised widespread concern…
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Carbon Intensity
Carbon intensity (CI), sometimes used interchangeably with emission intensity, refers to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of product such as fuels, electrical power, or materials. The CI is calculated on a life cycle…
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Landfill Biogas Expert
Landfills are locations set specifically for the disposal of residential, industrial, and commercial waste. Landfills are a very large source of methane emissions. Biogas from landfills is also called landfill gas (LFG) since digestion takes…
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Nutraceutical Consultant
The term “nutraceutical” describes these medicinally or nutritionally functional foods. Nutraceuticals, also called medical foods, phytochemicals, functional foods, and nutritional supplements, include everyday products such as “bio” yogurts, fortified breakfast cereals, vitamins, herbal remedies, and…
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