As the name implies, integrated energy planning involves the integration of different sectors of energy like petroleum, coal, natural gas, and renewables – normally to produce electricity, heat or transportation fuels. Integrated energy planning includes…
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Biochar v. Activated Carbon
The is a PowerPoint about Biochar as a substitute for Activated Carbon and the differences between the two, by Lee Enterprises Consulting expert, Bill Naylor, an activated carbon and biochar subject matter expert with over…
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Coal Gasification
Coal has historically been used to supply electricity, with most burned at coal-fired power plants. Coal gasification is a newer thermo-chemical process in which the gasifier’s heat and pressure break down coal into basic chemical…
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Glycerin as Anti-Freeze Agent for Coal
Glycerin as Anti-Freeze Agent for Coal? Anyone who has produced biodiesel knows that glycerin can set up like wax if the process is over-catalyzed and/or animal fats are used as feedstocks. More than one of…
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