Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms have bioenergy experts in many different specialties within the bioeconomy. These alternative energy and energy consulting groups and their consultants have expertise in renewable fuels (ethanol, cellulosic ethanol,…
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Renewable Biofuels
The production of renewable biofuels and advanced biofuels in the U.S. still is in its infancy, with significant growth potential. These fuels — made from living or previously living substances, such as agricultural products (soybeans,…
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Biomass Energy
The definition of biomass energy? Biomass energy is that which is produced from renewable organic materials, such as wood, agricultural crops or wastes, and municipal wastes, especially when used as a source of fuel or…
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Renewable Energy Projects
Interest in renewable energy projects, the pivot point to the transition to greater sustainability and a smaller carbon footprint, has continued to escalate among entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers around the world. The International Energy Agency is…
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Biomass Advantages
Are there biomass advantages? Actually, there are many advantages in using biomass as a source of energy which is why biomass projects are now increasingly regarded as viable enterprises by entrepreneurs and investors. Biomass—living or…
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