Diesel biodiesel, or simply “biodiesel,” refers to vegetable oil, or animal fat-based, diesel fuel consisting of long-chain alkyl (methyl, ethyl, or propyl) esters. Biodiesel is typically made by chemically reacting lipids (e.g., vegetable oil, soybean…
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Bio Ethanol Expert
What is bioethanol fuel? Bioethanol, or ethanol as it is generally called, is a fuel generally produced by a process of sugar fermentation. When the ethanol is mixed with gasoline the resulting mixture is bioethanol…
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Energy Crop Expert
What is an energy crop expert? An energy crop expert is someone that understands the many complexities of those plants that are grown solely for producing energy as opposed to those grown for food or…
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Global Biofuels Production
What does global biofuels production look like worldwide? While global biofuels production did increase in all major producing regions, it was at slower rates than in the previous decade. The United States is still the…
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Green Energy Financing
Green energy financing is crucial for innovative renewable energy projects, such as geothermal energy, biomass, waste-to-energy and others, are gaining interest and support as sustainable options that can provide the electricity the world needs, while…
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Turning Waste Into Energy
What is WTE? Waste to Energy. The expression “one man’s trash is another’s treasure’’ has real-world meaning when considering the burgeoning field of waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies that convert municipal solid waste (MSW) into heat and…
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Biomass Sourcing, Storage, and Preparation
Many biomass-based projects show that problems frequently occur due to over-simplified assumptions as to the sources, delivering quality and quantity, storage and reclaim requirements, and pre-processing of biomass to meet the process feedstock specifications. If your…
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Biocatalysis Expert
Biocatalysis is the use of enzymes as catalysts. Unfortunately, the word “biocatalysis” often seems to invoke the thought that the principles of chemistry and thermodynamics are somehow different because a biological entity is being used….
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Environmental Review – Renewable Energy Projects
What is an environmental review in a renewable energy project? Environmental review is the identification and evaluation of the potential impact a renewable energy project (REP) may have on natural and human resources. As is…
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Due Diligence in Biomass Project Acquisition
What does a due diligence expert do in biomass-related projects? Capital projects such as biomass plants are often sold at various stages of development, including pre-construction, mid-construction, and fully operational. Investors seeking to purchase such…
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