As any rancher in today’s world knows, sustainable livestock production is the ticket to the best markets. Large buyer companies are demanding sustainable livestock production supporting the food at the store, because today’s consumers are demanding it from them. A few examples of sustainable livestock production would be recycling products on the ranch, maintaining native grasses, not infringing on non-invasive wild animals, and the use of eco-friendly feeds and fertilizers. Most ranchers are fully versed on feed costs and management issues as key factors in livestock profitability, yet many seem to struggle with the concept of sustainability and how to incorporate it into production.
The transition to “sustainable livestock production” normally involves the assistance of two types of experts. The first is an expert in feed and livestock production with a sustainability background. The second is and land and natural resource expert with wildlife experience. These experts will normally have degrees in animal nutrition, wildlife sciences, range sciences or even agronomy, and experience in delivering supplement feeding and animal management programs, and in designing forage management and soil maintenance programs. Operating together these experts can transition ranchers to sustainable livestock production while maintaining, or even increasing, profitability.
Lee Enterprises Consulting is the world’s premier bioeconomy consulting group, with over 150 highly qualified experts serving in these and many other areas. Take a look at our experts and the services we provide and you will see that we have just the right expert for any clean energy project. Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters. For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information. See also: Feed Ingredient Evaluations for Livestock Producers; Feed Co-Product Nutritional Values; and Feed Co-Products in Biofuels.