The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, a federally funded program designed to encourage research to meet national needs, aims to spark technological innovation, encourage creative ideas and participation by women and socially or economically disadvantaged people, and increase commercialization within the private sector or innovations created from federal research and development funding.
It is a competitive awards-based program, and one that can be especially helpful for smaller businesses, reducing the financial risks associated with the exploration of new technologies in renewable energy leading toward commercialization. A three-phase process begins with establishing feasibility, technical merit, and commercial potential, with awards up to $150,000 for six months. The second phase is designed to fund the continuation of the research and development of phase 1, with funding up to $1 million for two years. Phase three, which is not funded, is for small businesses to pursue the commercialization of the technologies developed in the first two phases.
With over 150 consultants worldwide, Lee Enterprises Consulting has the diverse experts and geographical reach to assist in virtually any bioeconomy project, including SBIR funding. Our highly qualified teams bring a unique integration of technical, scientific, regulatory and hands-on experience to any project. Look at our experts and the services we provide. Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters. For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full-service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact. See a video about LEC here. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.