A sewage treatment expert is one who can assist with the process of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater coming mainly from household sewage and industrial wastewater. There are several physical, chemical, and biological processes that are used to remove contaminants to produce treated wastewater, called treated effluent, in a form that is safe enough to release into the environment. Several processes are used to manage and dispose of sewage sludge, a residual, semi-solid material that is produced as a by-product during the sewage treatment of industrial or municipal wastewater. When we speak of “sludge,” we are talking about a product that is mostly water with lesser amounts of solid material that have been removed from liquid sewage. Primary sludge would include solids that are removed via settling tanks called clarifiers that are built to remove the solids being continually deposited by sedimentation. Treating sludge is primarily focused on reducing the water to reduce sludge weight and volume to reduce health risks and disposal costs. To reduce infectious microorganisms like viruses and bacteria, the treatment is normally accomplished through heating during digestion or incineration. Energy may also be recovered from sludge through the methane gas produced during anaerobic digestion.
Sewage treatment experts, like those in wastewater and sludge treatment, are normally going to be engineers and chemical experts with experience in things like anaerobic digestion and fermentation. Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms certainly have experts in biotechnologies, as well as the more common areas like bio and renewable fuels, biomass, and biomass power, feedstocks, biomaterials, and biochemicals. These larger groups will also have expertise in other technologies like agitation systems, beverage fermentation, bio-oil extraction, bioreactors, carbon capture, carbon storage, carbonization, catalysis, cellulosic ethanol, cleantech, combined heat and power, direct combustion, enzyme technologies, fermentation, Fischer-Tropsch, gasification, genetic engineering, hydrothermal, nanotechnology, organosynthesis, power generation, pyrolysis, renewable technology due diligence, synthetic biology, thermochemical conversion, torrefaction, water treatment, and waste management.
Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms like Lee Enterprises Consulting normally offer a wide range of services in biofuels, biochemicals, biotechnologies, biomaterials, synthetic biology commercialization, feedstocks, and hemp/cannabis. These groups will likely also have experts in specialized areas like activated sludge, agbiotech, animal nutrition, biopharmaceuticals, carbon capture, cell-based meats, energy markets, greenhouse gas, methane expert, plastics, polyethylene, polymers, polyurethane, renewable hydrogen, project finance, waste management, emerging renewable technologies, forestry biomass, green diesel, jet fuels, low carbon fuel standards, marine biofuels, MSW, renewable jet fuel, renewable natural gas, aviation fuel, syngas, synthetic biology, advanced biofuels, activated carbon, anaerobic biogas, bio-based chemicals, biocatalysis, biomass technologies, biopharmaceuticals, Fischer Tropsch, gasification, and renewable diesel.
For over 25 years, Lee Enterprises Consulting has been assisting companies and investors with bioenergy, biofuels, biomaterials and chemicals, biotechnologies, and feedstock matters. With over 150 consultants, we have the diverse expertise and geographical reach to assist in virtually any bioeconomy project worldwide. These seasoned professionals average over 30 years of industry experience. Our ability to assemble these professionals into multidisciplinary teams allows us to fully integrate the technical, scientific, and regulatory aspects of a project, and combine them with years of hands-on experience. Take a look at our experts and the services we provide. You will note that most of our experts are also available for ancillary engagements and advice, for specialty engagements like serving as expert witnesses in litigation matters. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.