Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as biomethane or green gas, is a type of natural gas produced from renewable sources of organic matter. It is a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy source because it mitigates greenhouse gas emissions, reduces waste, and utilizes resources that might otherwise be wasted.
RNG is produced from various organic feedstocks, including organic waste materials such as agricultural residues, food waste, municipal solid waste, wastewater treatment plant sludge, animal manure, and energy crops. A primary method for RNG production is via anaerobic digestion, where microorganisms break down organic matter, producing biogas as a byproduct. Once produced, RNG must be upgraded to meet pipeline quality standards. This involves removing impurities and increasing the methane content to at least 90% or higher.
RNG is considered carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative because the carbon dioxide emitted during its combustion and use was carbon initially captured from the atmosphere by the plants and organic matter from which it was produced. Renewable Natural Gas is a valuable resource in transitioning to a more sustainable and low-carbon energy system as it harnesses the energy potential of organic waste materials while addressing environmental and waste management challenges.
For over 25 years, Lee Enterprises Consulting has assisted companies and investors with issues relating to bioenergy, biofuels, biomaterials and chemicals, biotechnologies, and feedstocks. With over 150 consultants, we have the diverse expertise and geographical reach to assist in virtually any bioeconomy project worldwide. These seasoned professionals average over 30 years of industry experience. Our ability to assemble these professionals into multidisciplinary teams allows us to fully integrate the technical, scientific, and regulatory aspects of a project and combine them with years of hands-on experience. Please take a look at our experts and the services we provide. You will note that most of our experts are also available for ancillary engagements and advice for specialty engagements like serving as expert witnesses in litigation matters. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.