Renewable Hydrogen

Renewable hydrogen is produced by a process known as electrolysis, where an electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. If the electricity is produced by renewable sources like solar, wind, or biofuels, the resulting hydrogen will be considered renewable as well and has numerous emissions benefits. Hydrogen produced from this process can be used as a fuel directly, or as a part of intensive products like ammonia and methane. Renewable hydrogen has applications as fuel for on-road vehicles and forklifts where it generates LCFS credits. Hydrogen is also an input for renewable diesel production where it also affects the LCFS credit score. Investing in a renewable hydrogen project, or purchasing a production or storage technology is best undertaken with the support of expert assistance in matters like renewable hydrogen, and feedstocks.

A hydrogen expert is an expert in the process of hydrogen production from renewable and fossil feedstocks as well as the compression, liquefaction, delivery, and dispensing of hydrogen.  Hydrogen from thermal conversion involves the reforming or partial oxidation of methane or other feedstocks with steam.  Biogas from landfills or dairies is also a potential feedstock for renewable hydrogen. The electricity that passes through water, splits the water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen which can be used as a fuel directly or to make other energy-intensive products like methane and ammonia. Using this renewable electricity reduces dependence on fossil fuels.  Under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, 1 million Btu of biogas is allowed per million Btu of hydrogen by book and claim for pipeline sourced biogas t generate 1 million Btu of renewable hydrogen.  However, hydrogen produced at the biogas source can use 100% biogas as a feedstock.  Other pathways include electrolysis including the use of renewable power as well as biological and advanced water-splitting technologies. A hydrogen expert should have experience with DOE’s H2A program as well as fueling models such as HySCapE.

With over 150 experts worldwide, Lee Enterprises Consulting has experts in many specific clean and renewable areas. In addition to our expert in broader fields such as renewable fuels, activated carbon, advanced biomaterials, ag-biotech, agricultural waste, biomass technologies, emerging renewable technologies, energy markets, forestry biomass, municipal solid waste, nutraceuticals, plastics, organic synthesis, renewable power generation, renewable technologies, pulp & paper, synthetic biology, waste to energy, and anaerobic biogas, we also have experts in very specific areas such as animal foods, bio-based chemicals, bio fabricated proteins, biopharmaceuticals, carbon capture, cell-based meats, cogeneration, combined heat power, Fischer Tropsch, fungal bioproducts, good manufacturing processes, green diesel, hydrocolloids, low carbon fuel standards, methane, PCQIR, producer gas, renewable electricity, renewable financing, renewable hydrogen, renewable natural gas, RINS, sewage treatment, soil amendments, the solid-state fermentation, and syngas.

Look at our experts and the services we provide.  Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters.  For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full-service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact.  See a video about LEC here.  Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.

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