Peter Reineck
Oxy-Combustion, Biomass Power, CCS CHP, WTE, MSW, Plastic Waste Recycling, Biopolymers, Biorenewable Chemicals
Peter is a seasoned chemical industry professional with leadership experience in North America and the UK, in domestic and international marketing, sales, business development and business management with major companies in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, and environmental services industries. Combining a background in the conventional petro-based industry with experience in the growing field of bio-based chemicals and polymers, Peter has a deep understanding of business sustainability and the realistic options for sustainable growth, including the importance of public perceptions. He has engaged primarily in market and business assessments, and the development and implementation of growth strategies, projects included assessing the value of target companies’ commercial contracts, market position, and technology, as well as market assessments and due diligence assignments on behalf of investors. Contact Peter.