Cellulosic Hydrolysis Reactors

Cellulosic Hydrolysis Reactors? Cellulosic materials, such as corn stover, cane, switchgrass, timber waste, municipal solid waste, etc., can be processed into fuels and renewable chemicals. Broadly speaking, there are two main methods: pyrolysis and hydrolysis. The former is relatively independent of feedstock but happens at high temperatures and may have yield losses due to breakdown of the molecules to simple gasses, which must be re-formed into value-added products. The latter method uses mild conditions and preserves a lot of the organic structure, but is feedstock-specific. Typically, after pretreatment of the biomass to partially break down the cellular structure, the biomass is hydrolyzed in an agitated tank or tanks by use of enzymes, which convert the cellulose and hemicellulose into simple sugars. These sugars can be fermented anaerobically to make ethanol or butanol, or aerobically to make dozens of useful products, such as enzymes, amino acids, monomers and many other compounds. The hydrolysis reactor requires the correct agitation to work properly. Pretreated material resembles peat moss in consistency, and is quite difficult to agitate. After hydrolysis, it is rather easy to agitate, resembling a simple organic slurry such as a flour, starch or gluten. Getting the correct agitation almost always involves lab or pilot testing with the specific slurry at the required concentration. An agitation consultant can do the testing, scale-up and can also help to optimize the agitator power consumption for the total batch cycle.

Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms will certainly have experts in more common areas like biofuels, biomaterials, biomass, biomass power, biomaterials, bio-based chemicals, biotechnologies and renewable fuels and chemicals in general.  Energy consultants should be willing to discuss client’s initial questions about renewable energy sources, the types of biofuels, biofuel companies, synthetic biology, the fermentation process, biomass renewable energy, biofuel energy, conversion technologies for things like tires and railroad ties, and about the circular economy in general.  These clean energy experts would optimally be part of a larger, multidisciplinary group of green energy consultants with a wide variety of expertise in more specialized areas like biomass production, financial due diligence, organic synthesis, fuel additives, ethanol gas, biodiesel fuel including algae biofuels, solid state and industrial fermentation, green energy grants, ag biotech, agricultural waste, alcohol fuels, alternative proteins and animal-free products, sustainable foods, beverage fermentation, , biocatalysis, biodiesel conversion, biogas production, biomass power, carbon intensity, co2 utilization, combined heat & power, Fischer-Tropsch technology, food waste, hydrothermal carbonization, industrial enzymes, landfill management, microbial fermentation, organic synthesis, plastic pyrolysis, plastic recycling, plastic waste, pyrolysis oil, reactor design, renewable identification number, the Renewable Fuel Standard (rfs2), solid recovered fuels, torrefaction and torrified biomass, waste to energy, and waste-to-hydrogen.  Finally, members and strategic partners of these green energy consulting firms should also  have the availability to do things like engineering, technical feasibility studies and techno-economic analysis, due diligence, and feasibility studies, and provide expert witness testimony, and should have the contacts to assist with renewable energy finance, accounting, plant safety and insurance, legal, and virtually any other services related to the bioeconomy.

Lee Enterprises Consulting is the world’s premier bioeconomy consulting group, with over 100 highly qualified experts serving in all these areas, including expert familiar with cellulosic hydrolysis reactors..  Take a look at our experts and the services we provide.  Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters.  For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact.  Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.  See also Cellulosic Biomass Experts and Due Diligence for Emerging Technologies.

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