Bunker Fuel Market Studies

As bunker fuel oil is the primary fuel used by the marine shipping industry to power their ships and move cargo and people around the globe, bunker fuel market studies are of particular importance to many.  Biobased bunker fuel is a rapidly emerging alternative to fossil oil fuels. The bunker fuel market is currently dominated by oil refiners that produce this heavy residual fuel oils, which is essential to the shipping industry that covers trade in crude oil and refinery products and all sorts of containerized goods transported around the world. The marine bunker fuel market is the single largest outlet for this refinery based residual oil. It also represents an immense opportunity for the biobased fuels

These market studies are valuable to anyone seeking to determine biobased supply options, and overall market size and direction. Oil refiners, marine shipping companies, and marine fuel blenders and traders can choose the best market for their fuel, track supply chain and market dynamics and keep tabs on the use of alternative marine fuel oils.  In addition, carbon black manufactures can better understand their supply options and competition for these residual oils.  These studies outline refinery sources and composition of bunker fuel, as well as its combustion chemistry, and identify sources of supply, competitive landscape and market outlets for bunker and biobased bunker fuels in the context of latest industry developments.

A good bunker fuel market study should review all programs for sources of bunker fuel oil such as biobased sources like pyrolysis oil, bio-sourced oils, and renewable marine fuels.  These studies should highlight the supply chain and the refineries that can supply suitable bunker fuels and identify the proper bunker fuels for use in various marine fuel blends.  Expert companies that provide these bunker fuel studies should also have the technical and regulatory expertise to highlight specifications required to meet different fuel grades.  Finally, a bunker fuel market study should allow refineries, marine shippers, and oil blenders and traders of bunker fuel oil to plan for developments in the market and develop a path forward as the marine fuel oil market changes, even as these markets move towards biobased fuels.

Large renewable energy and biochemical consulting firms certainly have experts in the more common areas like of bio and renewable fuels, biomaterials, biomass and biomass power, biomaterials, biochemicals and biotechnologies.  But, they also have an expertise in a wide variety of specialty services like expert witness testimony, techno-economic analysis, due diligence, feasibility studies, budgeting, project management, technology assessment, insurance, due diligence, risk management, benchmarking, intellectual property, HAZOP, financial modeling, competitor analysis, and assistance with RIN and Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) matters.  These firms should also be able to assist with other things like Aspen plus, logistics, bioreactor design, municipal solid waste remediation, syngas and bio-based product development, carbon credits, climate change analysis, environmental permitting, equipment sales, experimental validations, grant writing, IP strategy, life cycle analysis (LCA), plant operations, plant sales and auctions, risk analysis and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).

With over 150 experts worldwide, Lee Enterprises Consulting has experts in these, and many other, sustainable and renewable areas. Look at our experts and the services we provide.  Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters.  For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact.  See video about LEC here.  Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.

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