A biofuels plant is one that produces fuel from sugar and starch crops, fiber and grass cellulosic crops, oil crops, crop residues, manures, other organic wastes, and wood products. Biofuels are a class of renewable energy derived from living materials. Examples of biofuels are ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuels, and marine biofuels. While billions of gallons of biofuels are produced worldwide, they still account for less than 15% of the total fuels. The most common biofuels plant today is the standard corn ethanol plant, with biodiesel running a distant second. Biofuels are an important part of the future as the world seeks to gradually wean off its dependence on petroleum. New and exciting developments in biofuels, biofuels technology, and feedstocks, continue to unfold each year. As consumer sentiment and government mandates continue to lean more toward biofuels each year, a healthier and more sustainable world lies in the balance.
With over 150 experts worldwide, Lee Enterprises Consulting has experts in many specific clean and renewable areas, including anaerobic digestion, fermentation, biomass, conversion technologies for things like tires and railroad ties, organic synthesis, fuel additives, ethanol gas, biodiesel fuel including algae biofuels, solid-state and industrial fermentation, green energy grants, ag-biotech, agricultural waste, alcohol fuels, alternative proteins and animal-free products, sustainable foods, beverage fermentation, biocatalysis, biodiesel conversion, biogas production, biomass power, carbon intensity, co2 utilization, combined heat & power, Fischer-Tropsch technology, food waste, hydrothermal carbonization, industrial enzymes, landfill management, microbial fermentation, organic synthesis, plastic pyrolysis, plastic recycling, plastic waste, pyrolysis oil, reactor design, renewable identification number, the Renewable Fuel Standard (rfs2), solid recovered fuels, torrefaction and torrefied biomass, waste to energy, and waste-to-hydrogen. This is a multidisciplinary group of green energy consultants that is a virtual “one-stop-shop” for any client need and handles projects of all types and sizes.
Look at our experts and the services we provide. Most of our experts are also available to advise and serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation matters. For the larger projects, we specialize in putting together full-service, interdisciplinary teams with one point of contact. See a video about LEC here. Call us at 1+ (501) 833-8511 or email us for more information.
At Lee Enterprises Consulting we have experts in all these areas, as well as specialists in matters like algae biofuel, agitation systems, agricultural waste, waste management, bio-oils, bio-jet fuel, biogas, climate change analysis, environmental permitting, enzyme technologies, renewable due diligence, and glycerin related matters. In small projects, we have just the right expert. In larger projects, we can assemble interdisciplinary teams, with one point of contact, to handle virtually any clean energy, green energy, renewable energy, energy finance, or any other renewable-related matter, and many of our experts are available to serve as expert witnesses in bioeconomy litigation. We have over 150 highly qualified experts available to assist in large and small projects. See a list of our experts and our services and areas of specialty. Feel free to call or email us for more information.