FUNDING PROGRAM: USDA Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance Grants.
The funding opportunity for the Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance Program is intended to increase the removal of hazardous fuels from National Forest System lands, and/or the removal of hazardous fuels benefitting National Forest System lands and supporting the utilization of these wood resources to make contributions to the economy. Applicants should demonstrate transportation costs as a limiting factor to project viability. Each proposal will be reviewed by the Forest Service to determine eligibility.
The Forest Service is seeking proposals from diverse applicants including manufacturing facilities, wood energy, and logging contractors. Organizations supporting underserved communities and first-time applicants for federal funds are encouraged to apply. Multiple projects from the same applicant are acceptable to encourage involvement from a wide variety of applicants and to capture learning for future program development. Hazardous fuels transportation projects will only be accepted from existing awarded projects like timber sale contracts and stewardship agreements or other projects that benefit national forests and grasslands through the removal of hazardous fuels. Projects that do not occur on national forests and grasslands must demonstrate spatial and temporal relevance. If the applicant is not the Forest Service project holder, documentation with intent to procure hazardous fuels, such as a draft supply agreement showing material origin and quantity, is required. This requirement applies only to Example A below.
Examples of potential projects (not all-inclusive), defined by product and type, are listed below:
- Example A: Projects that include the transportation of biomass and other non-merchantable materials (Adding optional timber or timber subject to agreement material in existing contracts and agreements).
- Example B: Projects that include the transportation of merchantable materials (Timber included in contracts and agreements).
- Example C: Projects that include the transportation of all materials in contracts and agreements (Examples A & B).
- Example D: Projects that include the transportation of residual materials and bioproducts from manufacturing processes to a location where they can be utilized.
Project proposals must occur on, or demonstrate benefit to, National Forest System lands.
- For-Profit Entities
- Non-Profit Entities
- S. State Governments
- S. Local Governments
- Tribal Entities
- Education Institutions
There is a 50 percent match requirement for this funding opportunity. The match expenses must be directly associated with execution of the awarded project(s). For example, a proposal for $100,000 in federal funding requires a minimum of $50,000 in match from non-Federal sources to equal $150,000 in total expenses.
APPLICATION DEADLINE(S): September 5, 2024.